i'm so super geeked about the new ink delivery i have found so i can get way more detailed in my designs. the bag above was a custom order for a girl who wanted her tatoo to be the design on her piece. it was so incredible to work with my new tools- i just opened the wardrobe to narnia......
next up is a photo i took of hannah- i think she is deep in thought about what GetReadySetGo will have in it's shop come january........
yes, we are all wondering around here- myself included.... how much new? how much old?
well, my crafty hands need to get sketching in my moleskine and firm up some new drawerRINGS. i love black pilot pens extra fine point pens- ohhhhhhh how i drool over them when i sketch!
that's my update. see ya on the flip side guys.
so i'm getting by....
hannah came and rescued me from mechanical breakdown and death of my artistic side. that's what friends are for right?
well, the garage is full full FULL up of new stuff- new stock! lots of colors, lots of new designs ...... ooooooooh i am super pumped.
now i am going to sit back and
my SHOW is life!
2 movies, my knitting needles and sleeping in tomm.
PERFECTION- well, close to it
later kids. later onnnnnnn. later when i'm not gone????
also, please go do your ears and soul a favor--- listen to my best friend annie........ i promise- she will do you good.